• Guffaws are closer than you think.

    Enjoy our collection of chuckles, giggles and belly laughs…

    It’s amazing what a little improv can do.

  • Like trust falls but without the unwanted touching.

    Building your team with eyes wide open…
    It’s amazing what a little improv can do.

  • Same old, same old getting old?

    Adding something completely different to your routine…
    It’s amazing what a little improv can do.

  • Immunity from peer pressure...

    C’mon, you know you want it! Growing confidence and self-esteem
    while feeling good about yourself…

    It’s amazing what a little improv can do.

The Revival is inspired by the history of improv in Chicago which – next to jazz music – has been called “America’s other great contribution to the arts.” And, in 2015, The Revival returned improvisation to Chicago’s Historic South Side. Since then, we have built a thriving, multi-purpose, performing arts company that offers live performances, classes, and workshops to people from across the city of Chicago and beyond!

Welcome to The Revival!

Laughter is closer than you think.

The Revival just moved to the South Loop.

Visit our Contact page for more information.


Admittedly, less Instagrammable than The Bean.

But waaay funnier.